Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Office Reveal


After the big clean-up last week, I've taken some pictures of the office for you. I don't have the best lighting with two smallish windows for a rather large space so the photos are a bit blurry.

Here's my desk with ladder shelving behind it.

The desk, where all the crafting and blog hopping happen. I love to do both at the same time.

Now that some of the shelves are free of excess supplies, I've started decorating them...it's a work in progress. Little by little I'll be arranging and re-arranging until I'm happy with the look.

Over the years I've purchased all these drawer units, in three sizes, from Target for holding all kinds of supplies.

Here's a sample...top drawer holds flowers, second drawer is full of metal accents and the last contains felt and fabric.

The smaller drawers on the top shelf are perfect for smaller items like brads, adhesives, etc.

I've added some of my vintage pieces for storage too.

I have two long folding tables along the opposite wall from my desk. At the far end is Christopher's computer where he spends a lot of his free time playing train simulator. The closest desk is my die machine station. I can fit chairs behind these tables and have a few friends over to crop.

These small drawers house lots of buttons, plastic accents and trinket type goodies. Many are for sale in my Etsy shop.

I love this old wood box...it's perfect for storing cards, some also for sale in my Etsy shop.

This little corner is Christopher's art nook. He's 10 now and he prefers the table where his computer is so this will probably go at some point in the near future.

I have a small space by one of the windows where I have a table for my cutter. Below is my scrap and recycle paper bins.

Behind the cutting table is this ladder shelf. It used to be full of how-to books and magazines that were donated. It's a work in progress...I want to fix it up so it looks nicer. Notice my 'photo station' on the third shelf down? That's where I photograph some of my projects. The light is nice and bright there.

On the last shelf is the enormous stack of scrapbook pages that need to be put in albums. I wish I had opted for D-Ring albums! The post bound type are so much harder to use!

I got these wire shelves from Target too. The shelves on the right hand side house most of my scrapbook paper. I was able to space the shelves about 1 1/2" apart using zip ties.

At the end of the shelving unit, closest to the window, I have little baskets that hold my ribbon. Those are drawer dividers I bought at Target and attached with zip ties.

So that's about it. It's not magazine or Pinterest worthy, but a very nice space with lots of room. I'm lucky to have my own place to work! It's a finished attic which makes it a nice get-a-way from the rest of our home. When I'm done with work/crafting, I can go downstairs, shut the door and leave it for another time. It doesn't interfere with the rest of the house. In the early days, I used our kitchen table to craft and it took over!

I hope you enjoyed my office share. Have a fantastic day, okay? :)



cnelson said...


itsallrosi said...

this space looks great!

Sheri Gilson said...

Love your space Kathy!! Looks fabulous!!

Paige Taylor Evans said...

WOW your creative space looks amazing!! Wish I had my own space...

Unknown said...

LOOKS awesome chic !!!!

Lynn said...

Ahh...I love your space! thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Aphra Bolyer said...

Oh what a great space, Kathy. I LOVE your ladder shelves. And that wooden box you use to hold cards is fabulous. I am going to be on the prowl for one of those. :)

sherry said...

Love your space! I like how you mixed in the vintage wooden boxes and drawers. Sweet.

And Christopher's art corner --- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAdorable.

Audrey Pettit said...

Your workroom/office space is fabulous, Kathy! So much nice space to work and so much storage. Love the bits of antiques that are making their way into your displays. I know it must feel so fabulous to clean out and re-organize!

Anonymous said...

WOW this is really bright and cheerful I LOVE it!!!!

laura vegas said...

love this peek into your space!

Anonymous said...

Lovely and so organized! I'm jealous!

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

What a great scrappy space! I use a lot of those plastic drawers too!

Lydia said...

Love the old wood boox for cards! That gives me a great idea!!

Finlay White said...

Totally love the small drawers and how they're neatly arranged. Everything's in their right place. Thanks for these wonderful ideas. :)

Miller said...

I love your office. and I would love to make office like you. Can you tell me how much cost is for this?

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