Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank You!


Wow, I'm so thrilled and impressed with the response and comments from the Cards that Care blog hop! You guys ROCK! Thank you so much for participating and for all of you making cards for this drive! If you missed it and would like to participate, you can go to Vera Yate's blog for all the details.

I feel like it's been forever since I've posted, even though it's only been since Friday. I almost always post once during the weekend, but I decided to take the weekend off because Christopher was at camp and I had a rare weekend alone with hubs! We had a nice dinner out on Saturday night, and yesterday, we adopted two new pets! Can you believe it? We already have two cats and two parrots so we're not exactly in need of another non-human companion, but I couldn't resist! I'm a major animal lover, I used to work as a Vet Technician and I've done wild life rescue volunteering. So, what new pets did we get? You would never guess so I'll just show you a picture.

These cuties are Sugar Gliders! They are amazing little critters! We have two baby girls between the ages of 8-12 weeks. In the next few weeks I will be going through a bonding process with them so they recognize me and each family member as part of their colony. Once bonded these little sweeties enjoy sleeping many hours a day, their night, in a shirt pocket and when they are awake, they love to play. I'm really looking forward to getting to know them and this whole experience!

We're thinking of the names Cinnamon and Sugar. What do you think? Hubs isn't crazy about the name Sugar since they are Sugar Gliders. He thinks that's like naming a cat, Cat. Christopher loves the name Sugar. First, I suggested Cinnamon and Nutmeg, but he wasn't crazy about Nutmeg. There's also Ginger or Anise, if we want to stick to spices? I'd love to hear name ideas from you so go ahead and leave me a comment!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great Monday!

Kathy :)


cnelson said...

They are just DARLING! I like the names Cinnamon and Sugar.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, CUUUUUTE!

Heather Rogers said...

SO stinkin' cute Kathy. I am not good with names. That is something I struggle with new pets too. Enjoy your new family members. :)

Unknown said...

You will have a zoo he next time i see you. lol. too cute. Glad you guys had a nice week together.

Unknown said...

and I think you should name one patty. he he he.

BabyBokChoy said...

omg!!!! eeek!! lol.

Audrey Pettit said...

They are so stinkin' cute, aren't they?? Nik wanted to look them up on google as soon as I told her about your new pets, and you should have heard the awwwwws. :)
Cannot wait to meet the little cuties.

Jenny said...

How about cinnamon and spice?

Tara Bilbao said...

Love these little ones. So cute! I like cinnamon and sugar, but what about nutmeg and call her Meg?

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