Thursday, November 3, 2011

Santa's Workshop


This is my second post today so please scroll down to see the holiday cards I created for Bella Blvd. using their Christmas Wishes collection.

For this post, I'm so excited to share this snowy project with you! I created it a while ago and it's been hard to keep it under wraps! I was given the freedom to choose any Doodlebug line to work with and with Christmas so near, I chose Santa's Workshop.

Doesn't this look like a scene at the North Pole? I love the dimension I was able to create with this frame that has four pieces of glass. I purchased it years ago at Target and it was in the garage with a bunch of stuff to bring to the Goodwill!

It was really difficult to photograph this project because of the glare the glass created and it's also difficult to see all the rhinestones on each piece of glass.  In order to show you the details and how it came together, I took pictures of each level.

This is the last (back) layer in the frame. It includes this pretty 'Snowfall' paper attached with double stick tape, a Doodle-Pops snowflake and Doodles phrase.

This third layer shows off the rhinestones I used to create falling snow and includes three Doodle-Pops stickers...Rudy, Snowman and O'Christmas Tree. The snow covered hills were created with the Silhouette.

Here's the second layer of glass. More rhinestones, another Doodle-Pops, Little Helper, and some layered Icons stickers. The final, top layer of glass is the cover.

Once my project was assembled, I added some finishing touches, a grosgrain ribbon bow, two Cute Cuts tags, a Boutique Button and Christmas Doodle Twine.

And here you have it. This was really fun to make! I hope you enjoyed seeing the process. :)

Should we hop over to the Doodlebug blog and see the projects my teammates created and what collections they worked with? I'll beat you there! ;)


Jenny said...

Two in one day?? I am lucky to get one in a WEEK!! LOL! I love this! It is really one of the cutest frames/pictures I have ever seen! Glad the goodwill missed out! hehehe!

sherry said...

I already beat you there! :)
You girls are totally rockin' all the cute Doodlebug goodies. I *LOVE* this frame. I like the actual concept of the frame in layers, but you have made it even cuter with your wintry scene. So cute.

And puts me in the mood for cooler weather.

Gingerbread Gal♥ said...

WOW! LOVE IT! Super cute! What a wonderful item to bring out each year at the holidays.
:) Rachel

cnelson said...


Lynn (toomanycrayons) said...

This is such a clever project. I don't think I've ever seen a frame like that, with layers of glass, but you turned it into cute art for sure.

Nana said...

That just can't be any more cuter, absolutely love it! Can stare at it for hours without getting bored. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, this is just amazing!! And super cute too!

(-: Heidi

Jennifer said...

Super CUTE!!! (=

Aimes said...

What a super-cute work of art, Kathy!!! LOVE this idea!

Cindy S. said...

Wow! 2 rocking projects in one day! love this framed piece!

Vicki Burdick said...

OH MY this is adorable!!!

Ruth G said...

Wow! What a wonderful idea and so amazingly cute! Doodlebug makes such cute designs! Thanks for sharing a fun way to showcase their cuteness!

Nathalie said...

Kathy, this is amazing!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! What a great home decor item or better yet, gift for a lucky person! :)

Diana Fisher said...

I absolutely love this!! Love, love, love it!!! PINNING! :)

Audrey Pettit said...

How GORGEOUS! This is so, so, so stinking cute, Kathy! What a cool frame design with all the layers of glass. We NEED to see this in a magazine next year!!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE THIS PROJECT. Sorry havent commented in a bit. things ahve been a little crazy and the toe is still healing. lol. Loving all your projects; rockin your new design teams ;)

Carina Lindholm said...

oh wow!! this is totally amazing, love it!

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