I've been crafting all my life and got into paper crafting in 2001; then in 2002 I started my own wholesale card business, Card-Blanc. For this reason I am an idea book junkie and subscribe to about every magazine in the industry. I LOVE looking at and drooling over all the gorgeous cards, scrapbook pages and home decor projects and I often think that some of my creations could be in these magazines and idea books too.
This past New Year's Eve I made a resolution to get serious and start submitting my work. For some reason, I had thought that I would be discovered or something, that someone would just stumble across my work and publish it. Right! After submitting some of my cards I got a call for one of my Thanksgiving cards to be published by Scrapbook Trends magazine! I was so excited and couldn't wait until November when I would actually see my first card in print. However, a couple weeks later, the creative editor of CARDS magazine e-mailed to say that she had seen one of my Halloween cards in my galley over at Two Peas in a Bucket and wanted to know if I still had the card and if I'd send it in for publishing! Wow, sometimes you can be 'discovered' and now I had two cards that would be published! Hot dog!
Yesterday I thought it was close enough to October to see if CARDS had come out with their Halloween issue so I went to Archiver's to check. Imagine my surprise when there on the shelf was the issue I went looking for and my card was on the cover! I could hardly believe it or contain my enthusiasm! Thank you Alisha Gordon for recognizing my work and having faith enough in it to put it on the cover!