Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Daily - Day Ten

Hello! Hope you are having a fantastic day! I've been cleaning house! Unfortunately, not every day of December can be filled with fun events and festivities! As much as I dread 'cleaning day' I love when I'm done and everything is sparkling! Ah what a wonderful feeling!

Anyway, I'd like to share with you a couple cards I've made. I need to get mine mailed in the next day or two so they will arrive in time for Christmas. If you are still working on yours and need a design idea or two, you can try these.

This card is quite simple if you have a die cutter of some type. I have a Silouette and made the fancy white rectangle and sentiment with it. The snowflake is a simple chipboard accent that I embellished with a rhinestone in the center.

This card is made with a metal snowflake ornament I had. You don't always have to use scrapbook supplies. I embellished it further with a white foam snowflake sticker, a red rhinestone and some adhesive pearls. The sentiment is made with rub on alphas. Both of these cards were made with pieces of patterned paper I had left over from other projects. I love to make cards with my stash. A great way to use it up!

Well, as I said, I have to get my cards in the mail so I'm going to close now and get to it. Thanks for coming by and spending a little of your day with me. Hope to see you again tomorrow. Enjoy the season. Cheers! :)


  1. love, love, LOVE these fabulous cards!!!

  2. Very cute cards! So fresh & fun :) Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving a sweet message! :)
