Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December Daily - Day Nine

I love idea books! I always look forward to reading the latest scrapbook magazine or finding a new idea book in the store! It's inspiring to see all the cool pages and projects and I usually start crafting by the time I've reached the middle of the book! Once I've looked over a magazine or idea book, I store them on a shelf in my craft room where they tend to collect dust. I have to remind myself once in a while to look through them again. Recently I decided to look through a book I've had since 2004 called Vinatage Christmas Crafts and I found a great project for a tinsel star ornament. This is a photograph of the one I made.

Tinsel Star Ornament

Supplies Needed:

Hot-glue gun and glue sticks
Ornament hanger
Silver metallic beads (4)
Silver metallic pipe cleaners (16)
Wire, 26-gauge (18")
Wire cutters

1.  Cut a pipe cleaner into thirds, approximately 4" long. Bend each piece in half. Holding ends, push top down toward center, creating a diamond shape. Do not twist ends together. Repeat 15 times for 16 untwisted diamonds.

2.  Fold one untwisted diamond crosswise over another, creating a dimensional diamond. Twist the four ends together and shape. Repeat for eight dimensional diamonds.

3.  Cute four 4" lengths from wire. Thread each piece through a metallic bead.

4.  Holding bottom end of one beaded wire at bottom of dimensional diamond, run top end of wire up through and over cross-section of daimond, coming back down through bead. Twist wire ends around pipe cleaners at bottom.

5.  Center bead in the diamond. A dab of hot glue may be added to secure bead in place. Repeat for four beaded diamonds.

6.  Wind a pipe cleaner tightly in a spiral, creating a flat circle. Repeat for two circles. Set aside.

7.  Hot-glue twisted ends of one beaded diamond toward center of first circle.

8.  Hot-glue one plain diamond to circle, next to beaded diamond.

9. Evently space and hot-glue remaining diamonds around the circle alternating beaded and plain until ornament has been formed.

10.  Glue remaining pipe cleaner circle on top of the first, covering all twisted ends.

11.  Hang ornament from ornament hanger.

I hope you have a chance to make one of these lovely vinatage style tinsel star ornaments. They really look pretty on the tree. Thanks again for stopping by my December daily post. Hope to see you again tomorrow! :)


  1. that is a beautiful star, I love your Etsy goodies too, inspiring!

  2. Love that tinsel star, Kathy! you'll have to give me a little lesson on them. Thanks for posting the directions.

  3. wow!! that ornament is sososooooooooo gorgeous!!!

  4. Wow that is beautiful! I so want to try this!

  5. What a beautiful ornament!The directions are a little hard to understand. Do you have a video for this? I think that would help me see what you mean. In the first step after you bend the 4" pipe cleaners in half, what is the next step? Thanks for any help you can give. I really want to make one but not sure about this. Thanks for your help.
    Sincerely, B. Russell
