Friday, December 11, 2009

December Daily - Day Eleven

It sure is cold enough here to snow! It didn't get out of the 30s today! I took a couple more pictures of our holiday decor to share with you. I apologize they aren't the best pictures. The air vent behind these beautiful trumpeting angels is not too attractive. Perhaps next year I should get a little table for this corner in the foyer and display them on top?

This next photo is our dining room table. I collect vintage pressed alluminum pieces, often called poor man's silver. I have four pieces on display here. There's one hiding behind the two snowmen with a trio of ornaments on it. This room can be difficult to photograph in since the walls are a darker color along with the furniture.

The last decor photo is of our coffee table in the living room. I just recently bought the mirrored tray at a favorite decor store for 40% off with a coupon. Got to love sales! I think this piece is awesome the way it reflects what's on the tray.

Lastly, I'd like to leave you with a simple craft project. This is the 2009 ornament I made for our family, friends and my Etsy shops. They are very easy to make. The star is a cookie cutter you can purchase at your local craft store in the Wilton Cake Department. Then cut 3/4" strips of your favorite patterned paper and glue it around the perimeter of the cookie cutter. A tree shape would look cute too. I then embellished the ornament with a bow tied with craft string, button and two jingle bells. This ornament doesn't require a hanger since it looks great with a tree branch stuck through the center.

I enjoyed spending more time with you on this Decmber Daily. Hope to have you back again tomorrow. Until then, wishing you much enjoyment! :) Kathy


  1. Your home is just so gorgeous!! Love all your fabulous Christmas decor! That star ornament with the cookie cutter is a fabulous idea!

  2. I love your decor Kathy, just beautiful! Hey I recognize that sweet little ornament! ;)

  3. Look at that poor nutcracker guy suffocating under that glass. ;)
    Looks fabulous anyway......everything looks fabulous. I especially enjoyed seeing your table since I haven't seen in decorated in the real.
    And I love my cookie cutter ornament. Perfect addition to my pink tree.
