Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boo To You from Haunted Manor

Eek! Have you seen the new Halloween line from Doodlebug Design called Haunted Manor? It's absolutely spook-tacular!

I'm in love with the new mini version of Doodle Pops and used a few on my card and tag.

This collection has everything you need to cook up some fun Halloween cards, pages and home decor!

There are also new mini Create-A-Cards! My larger card uses one of the regular size styles and next to it is the new 3"x3" size.

Would you like a chance to win the Haunted Manor line? Just head over to the Doodlebug blog and leave a comment about your favorite Halloween tradition and you could be playing with these adorable spooks before you know it!



  1. LOVE these sweet cards! LOVE Halloween cards!

  2. CUTER than CUTE!!! LOVE...LOVE....LOVE!!!

  3. I want this paper set and voted for your cards on the Doodlebug blogsite... thanks for creating such cut cards and sharing them!

  4. Oh, this new Doodlebug line is so awesome!! I love the characters in it. They are so cute. I really love your cards. The stitching is perfect and I love how you used the cute cuts!! Just beautiful work Kathy!!
    xoxo, Christine
