Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bella Blvd. Cards on Thursday


I'm glad your here because I have two cards to share with you today!

I was in the mood to play with Bella Blvd's Designer Tape. I love the texture!

For both my cards I made my own accents by adhering tape to vellum and then making die cuts and punches.

I added a few negative dies too.

The scalloped border was created the same way as the butterfly using a border punch.

I can't get enough of these pretty Designer Tape colors!

I also can't get enough of the Button Market styles or Flags!!! ;)

Want to see more gorgeous cards? It's Cards on Thursday at the Bella Blvd. blog...go check it out!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hello Dear Kathy!

    I'm glad I'm here too because your two cards are so fun and beautiful.
    You have wonderful ideas and I'm going to have to try that ;-))

    Thank You!

  2. Kathy these cards are amazing!!!! So love how playful they are the crisp look of them and all the pretty dies you used. I think I might be the only person on the earth, who doesn't have washi tapes...LOL, but I am getting close to getting some after seeing all the pretty samples!

  3. Hi , This is "Lin" again ,(I'm a new member to your Blog), and I am just stopping by to let you know that I LOVE your greeting cards!
    Keep up the fantastic job!

  4. Cute, cute, cuuuuuuuuute cards.

  5. I LOVED both of these cards when I saw them on the Bella blog--GREAT idea!

  6. Vellum! What a genius idea! I'm totally going to try that! I love how you mixed in the print from the "thankful" collection into these very sunny, happy cards! :)

  7. What an awesome idea to use velum. You're so creative!

  8. Such clean happy colors and designs. Great ideas for using the tapes.

  9. Beautiful washi wonders!!! I love your ideas! Everything is so fresh and happy. What a joy to stop by here. :-)
