Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's Post

It's Tuesday and time to release another Digital Doodles stamp! 'Banner Bird' is flying by to deliver a special message on greeting cards, scrapbook pages everywhere!

This beautiful 'Banner Bird' card is from the talented Elizabeth Schaffer. 'Banner Bird stamp only .99 cents at Two Peas in a Bucket!

I appologize to you and my design team for showing just one sample project today. I'm visiting my sick grandmother and have been having a heck of a time with the computer. Technology difficulties! But I will be back on Thursday to reveal all the 'Banner Bird' projects including this week's guest designer. So I hope to see you on Thursday.

Have a wonderful day!



  1. Hugs Kathy!!! I LOVE this stamp!!!

  2. Love this stamp... so cute! Great design :)

  3. Cute bird stamp, Kathy :) Hope your grandmother feels better soon!

  4. This stamp is so cute, Kathy. I hope your grandmother is feeling better soon.

  5. very cute digi stamp, Kathy! just lovely!

  6. Hi Kathy,

    Give your Grandmother lots of "TLC" and {{{HUGS!!!}}}

    I just ordered some of your images -- including this "cuteness" bird!

    Love ya, Glee

  7. Totally adorable! I love your darling little bird!! I hope your grandmother feels better very soon! Hugs!
    ♥♥ Kay

  8. So cute and beautiful at the same time! I absolutely love this!

  9. Its a great stamp. Hope you are doing well and your grandmother feels better.

    Ryn: about my digi kit I am just in the process of starting to make up a kit. I don't know if I'll even do another one yet and I still want to finish that one. But if I do I'll definitely make a blinkie and I'd love if you'd put one on your blog. Thanks for offering!

  10. CUTE! I love the layering :)

  11. Darn computers! ;)
    Love this first look, though. Gorgeous card. And I've seen peeks at some of the other creations, and oh, my, are they ever fabulous. This is such a great stamp. can't wait to get my computer working so I can play with it, too.
