Thursday, April 8, 2010

There's no Place Like Home!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a trip to California to visit and help grandma. I'm pleased to report that she's doing quite well, better than I expected!

It sure is good to be home! I miss my boys, my two furry boys and all the comforts of home. Like a working computer and printer! Grandma's place was set up for wireless internet so I brought a laptop and thought I'd be able to work a little while I watched 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Dancing with the Stars', a couple of grandma's favorite shows, but no such luck! After nearly a day of my cousin-in-law doing some trouble shooting for me, it turns out that the connection was incompatible with a PC since she set it up with a Mac! Can't we all just get along!?!? Technology is so much harder than it needs to be, don't you think?

Well, I'm back home and I have so much to share with you! First, I'd like to thank all the Digital Doodles Club members who participated in the first club challenge! All club members received the first Digital Doodles exclusive stamp and were asked to make a card with it! The entries were spectacular and at the risk of sounding cliche, it was extremely difficult to choose a winner!!!! Sylvia Nelson won this first challenge with this gorgeous card!

Sylvia Nelson

I love the double layering of the flower center, petals and leaves, along with the bee wings! This card has great colors and design. It's a truly an amazing card! Congratulations Sylvia. I'll need your address to send your Dear Lizzy goodies from American Crafts.

This week another Digital Doodles stamp 'Banner Bird' was released at Two Peas in a Bucket. The Digital Doodles design team and Guest Designer Karola Witczak put together some amazing cards to show off this fun new bird stamp. Check these out!

Guest Designer

Kathy Martin
Digital Doodles Designer

Didn't these cards turn out lovely! Thank you design team and Karola for these great works of art!

As you know, each Monday 2 Sketches 4 You posts a brand new sketch for the week to challenge all of us crafty card makers to come up with our best. This Monday's sketch was created by Laura Davis. Following is the card I made and Laura's sketch.

Isn't that little ewe just so fluffy and cute?!?! It's a digital stamp from Jane Beljo of Jane's Doodles. Jane's designs are sold at Squgglefly, an on-line shop for digital stamps. If you like the cute little sheep I used, you should see the rest of the critters my team mates used and their incredible cards over at 2 Sketches 4 You!

Last but certainly not least is a a few projects made with the latest Digital Kits at Two Peas in a Bucket.

This hybrid card was made with the incredibly adorable 'Happy Easter' kit by Jen Martakis. This kit is loaded with the most colorful papers and adorable accents!

This hybrid card was made with a vibrant pack of digital papers called 'Some Fun' by Shelley Castillo. If you like these papers, you need to check out the rest! There are ten colorful and fun patterned papers in this kit!

This final project I have to show you is a hybrid card made with 'Birds, Blooms & Bikes Rub-Ons' by Stacy Marks. This is a kit full of fun images perfect for cards as well as scrapbook pages. You have to see the little tricycle in this kit!

Whew! This was a super long post! I was only gone a few days, but a lot happens in that short amount of time! Thank you for stopping by today and seeing all the great projects and things going on. I hope to see you for the next post as I think it's time to have a little more Digital Doodles Club fun to include a prize!



  1. Kathy thanks for choosing my card. It was a pleasure to be able to use this stamp! Thanks again.

  2. So glad you are home safe and sound!! What amazing projects!! Love Sylvia's fabulous card!

  3. Oh wow! So much goodness in one post!! These are all amazing, amazing creations! Everyone rocked the stamps. I'm glad your grandmother is doing well!
    ♥♥ Kay

  4. Sylvia's card is gorgeous!!! Heck - ALL the cards are gorgeous!!! Glad your trip went well & your grnadma is okay!

  5. oh my golly, Kathy...that digital birdie is too cute:) love all you samples with it!

  6. glad to hear your gram is doing OK. love the new release!

  7. I am happy your grandma is doing well. I love Sylvia's card and all the cards that everyone designed. So much card inspiration in this post :)

  8. Congrats to Sylvia! have some amazing cards here. They are all just lovely.

    I love the colors you chose for your own card! It is beautiful. :)

  9. whew! you were busy, I love the cards you made and the other cards you showcased!

  10. oh my... what love cards.. and I love the birdie that carries the gorgeous is that.. thanks for dropping my blog. I am newbie.. aspiring to be great like you guys :)

  11. Wow, oh what fabulous cards!!!

  12. such fabbie eye candy!!!!! Gorgeous cards!

  13. Glad your Grandma is good! Wonderful cards!!

  14. Congrats Sylvia :) It's really a beautiful card!

    So glad to hear that your grandma is alright Kathy and that your trip went well :) All the cards you posted are gorgeous!

  15. Wow, you were busy! So many lovely things in one post :)

  16. lovely cards and lovely cards too that others have made

  17. Wow - what a parade of gorgeous cards! Your digi birdie is adorable! Glad to have discovered your blog from your sweet comment on mine :)

  18. well, everything in this post is gorrrrrgeous, but i have to say yet again how much i ♥LOVE♥ seeing all of the DT cards *together* for each new've picked a smashing team there and every single card does justice to your fab digi' completely different ways! :)

  19. Hi Kathy! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you did coz I found yours! Love your work!!

  20. Um, wow! I'm speechless looking at all these gorgeous creations. The team really did a fabulous job with your adorable stamp, and all your cards are just as sweet as can be. Need to go back and look a second time to try to absorb all the goodness. :)

  21. What a cute card!! Congrats Sylvia..I so love that digital stamp I was soooo busy didn't get a chance to use it:)
