Monday, October 26, 2015

Let it Snow

Like it or comes the snow! I don't like shoveling snow or the cold it brings, but I do love making paper snowflakes for cards and scrapbook pages, how about you? 

I created this big beautiful flake with three different dies and topped it with a Sparkle Drop accent to give it the sparkle of a real snowflake.

The background is a combination of a Script background stamp, some silver Splash and a couple Whip Cream stamped snowflakes. 

Accents include River Stone Satin Ribbon, sequins, and Whip Cream Journey Thread. I really like this soft and snowy color palette! 

Fun Stampers Journey Supplies:
Denim Days IP-0010
Black Licorice IP 0041
Whip Cream IP-0009
Journey Silver Splashes IP-0082
Journey Sequins Special Celebration AC-0115
Sparkle Drops AC-0022
River Stone Satin Ribbon AC-0139
Whip Cream Journey Thread AC-0128
Specialty Paper Pearled Celebrations CS-0119
River Stone CS-0094
Whip Cream CS-0040

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! I love the River Stone satin ribbon with the blue elegant and formal. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration! Kerry, FSJ Coach #401.
