Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Got Wine?

'Tis the season for holiday gatherings and what better way to thank your hostess than with a bottle of their favorite wine and a handmade card?

The Happy Harvest collection is perfect for creating Thanksgiving cards and tags, don't you think? When I was making this tag I realized this image of apples in a basket would work equally well for a bottle of sparkling apple cider!

If I want to get a little more fancy with my gift, I'll pack the wine in a basket full of goodies like fresh seasonal fruits, chocolates, flowers and home-baked's so versatile and well received!

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Dear Kathy,
    Thank you for all your wonderful inspirations. Your creations are so cute, beautiful, colorful....etc.....etc.... Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  2. Wow...pretty awesome. Love these.


  3. Such a thoughtful idea made even better by adding the handmade touches! Thanks so much for the reminder to be thankful for all sorts of things! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for all your inspiration!
