Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Good Times

Good day!

I have a warm weather, colorful, happy card share for you today. You ready? ;)

This card was created with Doodlebug's new Fruit Stand collection. LOVE those Popsicle Mini Doodle Pops! They look good enough to eat, don't they? 

We're expecting another 80+ degree day today. Crazy! Just a few days ago the high for the day was 50 degrees. We're jumping from winter to summer in a single leap!

Well, I've been spending a lot of time outside. I've been in the garden playing and enjoying things before the humidity and mosquitoes come into play.

I hope you have a lovely day! Thanks for visiting! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. what a beautiful summery card--love the touch of popscicles!

  3. Such a happy little card. I've always loved popsicle motifs. :)

    Congrats on the great weather too. We had a couple days in the mid to high 70's which was perfect, but now we've dropped back down to the rainy 50's. :(

  4. Yummy and fun!
    Glad you've gotten some great weather! 50's to 80's sounds like something we'd get around here in Northern Illinois! It's good that you're out there enjoying the beautiful weather! It'd be a shame to let it go to waste!

  5. I have a card to make for someone special and needed inspiration.. this good times card really inspires me!!! Thanks for sharing :) Have a blessed day and thanks for diligently posting your goodness to inspire me every day! Kathi

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