Tuesday, November 6, 2012



How are you this fine Tuesday? Have you been out to vote yet?  Here in the Raleigh, North Carolina area, our schools are on a two hour delayed schedule to give people a chance to vote this morning. It'll be interesting to see how busy the polls are.

Well, I have a cute little giraffe baby card to share with you today that I made a while back.

I used Bella Blvd's Baby Boy collection.

This giraffe is my favorite!

I used some Papertrey Ink alphabet dies and some Doodlebug twine too.

Speaking of baby boys...our new little one received a clean bill of health at the vet yesterday.

Christopher wants to name him Oreo. Well.....he does look like an Oreo doesn't he? :)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Super cute giraffe....cute Oreo kitty:)

  2. so cool that they are giving people the chance to vote! I did mine early (took me 2 hours, we had A LOT of judges on the ballot!) WAY cute card and sweet little oreo!

  3. Super cute baby card!! I need to make a few and have been procrastinating...your card gives me a much needed push!

    Oreo is just adorable :-) Happy to hear he got a clean bill of health.

    I will be voting after work, hoping that if I do have to wait in lines that I will be indoors. It's COLD here today!

  4. Love the card but sorry! Oreo stole the show from you! lol thanks for sharing your life and Oreo with us :) Kathi

  5. Super cute giraffe to be sure! And that's one super sweet cookie you've got there! Enjoy welcoming him into your family!

  6. Such a sweet baby card! Love the layered pennants and the baby word cut out with the negative space. I have those same dies, but I've hated to cut them apart with fear of losing one. ;)

  7. Utterly adorable card !!
    And yay on the kitty getting a clean bill of health !
    I voted today. There was no line and I was in and out in about 10 minutes and thats counting the stop at the bathroom. LOL

  8. such a sweet card!
    I'm excited as i know you're going to make beautiful projects with that sweet Oreo boy of yours!
