Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bella Blvd. Coming Soon

Having fun yet? Have you seen all the new Bella Blvd. product reveals so far? Well, the week isn't over yet and there's another collection to reveal.......

If you have a Birthday Boy line you have to have one for girls, right?

Look at these bright and happy colors! Perfect for celebrations, don't you think? How about a little peek of a project I created with this line?

Got cake? Why yes, the new collection includes this yummy birthday cake! For a larger look at all the patterned papers and accents and your chance to win this fabulous line before it hits stores head over to Bella Blvd.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kathy :)


  1. What a FUN peek! LOVIN the look of this line!

  2. QUIT teasing!!!!! I can't wait to see all your amazing creations with these new lines!! :-)
