Wednesday, May 30, 2012


My name is Kathy Martin and I'm a Pinterest addict! ;)

I love Pinterest! I think I've mentioned that a time or two! :) So it should come as no surprise that I was perusing pin boards the other day and came across this very cool wallpaper design from Timothy Sue.

Wouldn't this make a great background for a scrapbook page?

 Since I didn't have a lot of time to play, I made a card instead. It's really easy to create this look. Just take three strips of card stock/patterned paper and applied some scotch tape on the back to hold them together. Then centered your die over the seam of the paper and run it through your machine. A little make sure your die stays centered while cutting, use a piece of removable tape to keep it in place.

Instead of hearts like on the wallpaper, I used butterflies...cut with a die from My Favorite Things.

The 'Happy Spring' stamp and the die I used to make the gray frame are from Papertrey Ink.

The photo corner is an old Quickutz die. Do you have some of those? I still use a number of them pretty regularly.

The finishing touches include some vintage mother of pearl buttons and some hand stitching.

Oh, I should mention that this pretty patterned paper is from October Afternoon's Farmhouse line. Lovely stuff, don't you think? I swoon! :)

So do you Pinterest? What Pinteresting things have you found lately? Care to share? Last weekend I found a recipe that made me get up from the computer right then and there to go make it! I'm serious!

These are Oatmeal Peanut Butter Snack Squares by How Sweet it Is. They have that chocolate peanut butter combination that I love about Reese's peanut butter cups. They're better for you since they're made from scratch with oatmeal and whole wheat flour.

If you should also decide that you need to go bake these right now...the recipe calls for pastry flour which you can make by sifting together two tablespoons of corn starch per cup of flour. Nice thing to know, huh? I can't remember where I ran across that bit of helpful information? Could it have been Pinterest? ;)

Thanks for stopping in today. Tomorrow I have a jam packed post for you. There will be a birthday celebration, blog hop and prizes. Plus, I have an exciting announcement to make. That's a lot for a single post, huh? Hope you can join me!

Kathy :)


  1. Very cute card. I don't have too many dies, but sure have lot of punches. I am sure I can make it work somehow. Pinterest is definitely the place to go if you are looking for recipes! I have found some good ones! I think I have spotted those Oatmeal Squares too. :)

  2. Love this happy color combination, Kathy, and those bars look yummy!

  3. I love that inspiration piece and what it made you create!!! Awesome trick! Those bars totally made me drool! I love Pinterest too!! :D

  4. awesome card and those bars look delish!

  5. so fun and pretty! love your take on the inspiration!

  6. I adore everything about this card and your take on the inspiration...

    And I want some of those bars!!! Are there any left! LOL.
