Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How many of you like die cuts? I'm talking about the thin metal variety that are made by companies like Spellbinders, Papertrey Ink and My Favorite Things. I can't get enough these wafer thin pieces of metal and the other day I thought of another use for the Spellbinders nesting dies! Woot!

You can use them to make fun patterns on your paper! And you can use those patterns for stitching!

 I used three of the Spellbinders nesting circles to create this circular pattern. Then I simply pierced around the lines with an awl. After the holes were pierced, I erased my pencil marks and began stitching! It's that easy!

Imagine the possibile patterns you can create with all the different Spellbinders shapes?!?!

The patterned paper, stickers, button and yummy lavendar twine are all from the'Hello Spring' collection from Doodlebug of my favorite lines right now. I just love the color combination, birds, butterflies and buttons! Right up my crafty alley!

I hope you like this idea and have fun with it. Let me know if you make something, I would love seeing your creation!

Now, how about a winner for yesterday's Crochet Flowers giveaway? Congratulations Connie! I have e-mailed you for your mailing address.

I hope you can pop in for a visit tomorrow because I have another fun way to use tools that we already have in our scrap rooms. And I have some exciting news that I can't share until then! :)

Have a terrific day!

Kathy :)


  1. So bright and cheery! LOVE those stitched circles!

  2. What a great idea, Kathy - love how this turned out!

  3. Cute! Love the idea and your card! TFS! (I'm on pins and needles about your news!)

  4. You got some mad skillz girlie! Creative genius at this idea!

  5. So fun! LOVE all those stitchy circles! Such a great way to use tools we already have in our stash. :)

  6. Such a cute and fun it!
