Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Christmas in May

Thank you all so much for your supportive comments yesterday! They really mean a lot to me and helped me through a difficult day! Today is a new day and I've got a rich gooey chocolate cake to bake. Christopher is excited and was talking about it on his way out the door to school. Today is a new day!

Today is also May 1st and I have a Christmas card to share. As many of you know, the paper craft magazines are preparing their holiday issues and the pub calls have gone out. In between other projects I've been busy making a few holiday cards. I made this card yesterday, not realizing that the vintage image isn't really vintage and belongs to Paulo Viveiros Design and Illustration which means I can't submit it for publication.

Instead I get to share it with you! And I love sharing projects with my crafty pals! Isn't this image adorable?!?! They have a lot of good ones so when you have a chance, go check them out.

I printed the image twice so I could use a Spellbinders circle die to cut frosty out and attach it with pop dots. The dry embossed snowflake background was created with a Cuttlebug folder. I made the little 'Let it SNOW' flag with a straight pin and sticker from the Holiday Style collection of October Afternoon. A twine bow and rusty jingle bell are the finishing touches.

Before I go I'd like to share a couple photos my husband just took. He called me down from my office to tell me that the Carolina Wrens that have been nesting in a bird house we hung outside our kitchen window just fledged. Before he could get the camera, three babies were perched on our deck railing! Fortunately, there was still one there to photograph!

The baby is the one on the right. The other two are his parents. Look at the down on his head...such an adorable little baby bird! You can click on the image to get a larger shot.

Baby decided to hop down from the railing where we got a couple of good shots. Isn't he a handsome little guy? I feel so fortunate that Dan saw these guys leave the nest this morning! It happened so fast...just a few minutes and they were gone. Good luck in the world little ones. Maybe you will raise your own family in the same bird house?

Thank you for visiting! And thanks again for your kind words yesterday! Today is a new day! Let's make it a wonderful day!

Kathy :)


  1. So happy to hear that today is starting off better!! LOVE that darling card and the sweet pics of the baby bird!

  2. Very sweet card...you can never start to early making Xmas cards..I even started to make them during Xmas ..for the next year..since I was in the spirit!
    Love the little bird....we have a a couple with young ones of great tit's (they are so cute) in our walnut tree.....love birds.

  3. I love Christmas and this card is perfect!^_^ I heart the cute baby birds..so sweet!^_^

  4. Such a sweet, sweet card, Kathy! I've been seeing that adorable image on Pinterest lately and just love it. Prickley Pear made a rubber stamp of just the snowman, and it's one of my most faves. Absolutely love what you've done with it. Paired the the embossed kraft and the bell, this is just the sweetest card ever!

  5. so glad to hear that you had a better one yesterday. =) LOVE your vintage holiday card! so so cute! and ahhh.. those photos are precious. that little baby bird is too cute! thanks so much for sharing, Kathy!

  6. Your wren reminds me of my bluebird photos I took recently. I truly have some mad bluebirds, as they keep flying into my patio door! LOL Pics will be on my blog tomorrow. I have enjoyed perusing your blog seeing your photos and projects!!! I love your work!

  7. So glad that the challenges of the birthday are over! Enjoy, as I know you will with more relish than usual!
