Tuesday, April 24, 2012

With Love

Good day to you! I have a crafty card share for you! This card is the result of playing around with a Mister Huey Mask, Glimmer Mist and washi tape.

As you can see it's quick and easy.

Embellishments include a couple left over do-dads, a simple office supply tag and a Kraft heart left over from a card I made last week.

The finishing touch, a button from my stash with a bit of jute from May Arts.

The yellow chevron tape is brand new from Bella Blvd. and the other two are from Freckled Fawn.

So, what do you think? A little different from my usual dimension, details and hand stitching. I always enjoy trying something new.

Thanks for popping in!

Have a fantastic day! Okay? ;)
