Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vintage Goodies


If you visited my blog last Saturday, you might have read that I was on my way out the door to go on a vintage treasure hunt. I did and I found some adorable things!  And this morning I took a few pictures to share with you! Some of these pieces will be listed in my Etsy shop and if you have any questions about any, leave me a comment. Let me know if there's something you collect that you want me to keep an eye out for. I treasure hunt as often as I can! :)

Aren't these little baby shoes adorable? And this little 'Baby Deer' box? I'm smitten!

I'm also enamored with old tins. I especially like this Hertz 'Song Food' tin. It used to be filled with canary seed that promised to make your little bird sing!

These are a fun find! Glass measuring cups!

You can never have too many old wooden boxes! There's a million different ways to display your favorite vintage finds! I always look for the dove tail corners...boxes aren't made like that anymore!

You can also never have too many old jars! I have dozens in my craft room to hold all kinds of embellishments! It's hard to see in this photo that it's an old Jumbo Peanut Butter jar. The elephant on the front is so cute and the bottom reads, "All the children like Jumbo!"

Oh how I love this old metal basket!!! I don't think I'll be able to part with this one! ;) Again...a great way to display your vintage treasures, like these little baby shoes. And how pretty would it look filled with some fruit or some autumn gourds!

You may be wondering what I do with all these little nick knacks I find? I've always loved antiques, but there was a time I didn't bother purchasing them because I didn't know what to do with them. Well, just like the little basket and shoes above, I simply set these pretties on a book shelf as is. This little basket would look cute placed on a stack of books!

So, the next time you find yourself at a yard sale or the flea market and you spy a cute old relic, buy it! Don't worry about what you'll do with it! You'll find the perfect perch!

Kathy :)


  1. Love, love all your vintage finds, Kathy! You photograph them beautifully!

  2. wonderful finds!! i have a thing with jars and tins, too! =)
