Tuesday, September 27, 2011



I'm in my office this morning checking e-mail, posting a card share on my blog and stalling...I don't want to clean house! I really enjoy a clean house, but I hate the work it takes to get there! Who likes cleaning anyway? And it's not just the work I don't like, it's how fast the work gets trashed! My sweet boy will come home after I've been cleaning all day and put both hands on the front door leaving prints on the glass I cleaned only hours before! Then the dear boy goes to the coat closet to put his shoes away, which is so cool of him, but proceeds to leave a bunch of playground sand on the floor!

Then there's our furry cats! Have you seen a photo of them? I'll attach one at the end of this post. Anyway, they are extremely furry! It makes them the softest lovable little beasts, but the fur! It's crazy how much fur wafts around in clumps and gets everywhere, even in the freezer! Just how furry is it? It's soooooo furry that I often have to vacuuming the walls! Yep! Little clumps stuck to the walls! It's insane! If we didn't love those two little fur bags...well you know where they would be! On the curb with their kitty dishes! The ones with the little fishies on the bottom! :)

Okay, enough complaining. And whining. I have it good! Real good...to live in such a lovely home and have such 'huge' problems! ;)

Onto my card...

I like this card! Isn't the little house adorable? It's a chipboard accent from the 'Finally Fall' collection from Bella Blvd.

Everything on this card is from the line except the craft string bow and the little button I added to the house!

A little stitching, some pot dots and ta-da! I hope you like it! And I hope it gets you to go to your crafty space to create something fun. No, you don't have to clean the house! ;) You can put that off for a few days, or another week! :)

Here are the fur boys! This photo was taken yesterday morning. They're in my craft room. They're here this morning too looking much the same! I joke about them being so helpful and full of energy! ;) I herd the two of them up to my office in the morning saying,"Come on boys, let's go work!" Then I follow behind them as we make our way up to the attic where they take their spot in the morning sun! It's a tough life!

Well, whether you clean, craft or take a nap with your lazy beast, I hope it's a wonderful day! :)



  1. Well, aren't they cute like that? So is your card and have you by now moved on to cleaning house? :)

  2. oh, super cute!! i lvoe all the details!! and cleaning house...power to you girl!! i am with you there! just getting ready to clean up my baby's banana off the kitchen counter;)

  3. we have two short hair tabby and the fur is still everywhere!! i don't think there is any cure for that. =) ours are pretty "productive," too. apparently lifting their heads are some hard work most of the time. =) LOVE your post. i don't like cleaning the house either... i am with you on that. super fun card! (no transition there...) love that sentiment. thanks for sharing, Kathy!

  4. Beautiful card! and you little ones are adorable :)
    Thanks for stopping at my blog and being interested in the card Drive for Kids. All the information is going to be posted this Saturday. Hope you can come back and participate.

    Thanks so much!
    God bless.

  5. Such a darling card! Your fur babies are darling, too!

  6. Yuck, house cleaning......no fun for sure. I don't blame you for stalling. :) Love your card. Such adorable papers and I love the little house. That cloud paper is sooooo fun!
