Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stretch Your Sketch


How are you this fine Tuesday? You all know Jennifer Gallacher, right? She's at Two Peas in a Bucket teaching a monthly class called Stretch Your Sketch? Did you know these classes are free? Yes, indeed! It's a great opportunity to see how Jennifer creates her amazing pages and how to create different looks with the same sketch.

I had a ball with Jennifer's sketch, turning it and tweaking it a little to make it my own.

Here's what I came up with...a beach page from our annual summer trip. There's Christopher taking to the waves with his boogie board.

I used the '100 Days of Summer' collection by Collage Press for this page. I've completee three projects with this line and I can't get enough!

I think this accent is darling and I love how the little dude is wearing goggles just like Christopher!

I hope you have a little time to hop over to Two Peas in a Bucket and take Jennifer's class and see the amazing page she created!

Kathy :)


  1. What a darling page! LOVE your embellie work!

  2. so colorful and fun! love all the details. super layout, Kathy!

  3. Really cute, Kathy! You are doing wonders with that line. Love your take on that sketch, too. Your tweaks have really made it your own. :)
