Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Halloween


I'm on my way out for a vintage treasure hunt with my gal pal Audrey. I regularly visit the flea market, but today I'm driving a ways to go to the Granddaddy of them all, Granddaddy's Antiques! The place is huge! It takes all day to get through it! You need to pack a lunch! Seriously! So, I'll be wearing some comfy shoes and most likely be exhausted when I get back...hopefully with some fun goodies in tow! :)

Before I go, I wanted to leave you with a crafty treat.

Here's a fun little Halloween card I created yesterday. Cute? I think it's pretty cute, but I think it needs a little more. Do you do that? Call it done and then the next day look at it and think of something else to add? What would you add to this card?

I'll be back tomorrow with a couple additions to show you. We'll see what you think...if it was worth the extra effort or not.

Have a super Saturday!

Kathy :)


  1. What a fabulous card and I hope you have a fabulous day! I would love to be doing that!

  2. Darling card!! Have a fabulous day...hope you get some fantastic finds!

  3. Happy hunting Kathy! Hope you find some good things! Hmmm. I love this card especially the fonts! Maybe add a couple buttons by the 31? :)

  4. I LOVE it paper or a digital image? You MUST share with us! I think a little orange button down in the right hand corner would be sweet. And I wish I could be shopping with you too.

  5. super cute! such a lovely halloween card! have fun antiquing! =)

  6. We sure had a ball yesterday, didn't we? So happy about all the goodies we found. :)
    Your card is adorable. Of course you know what a sucker I am for Halloween. Love the fun sentiment font and love the little owl. As far as changes go.......what will you do? maybe a few buttons?
