Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thin Die Storage


How has your weekend been? I can't believe it's almost over already! I got a headache Friday morning that continued to get worse as the day went on and didn't let up until Saturday evening. Today I've been busy getting stuff done so it seems that the weekend has just raced by me!

Well, in my headache induced state I didn't feel too creative so I did a bit of organizing and thought you might be interested in my latest storage idea for thin metal dies. I've been buying a number of those adorable little things from places like Papertrey Ink and My Favorite Things and storing them in a plastic craft drawer. But now that my collection has reached a nice size, I usually have to take every die out of the drawer before I find the one I want!

Recently, while on a vintage treasure hunt, I found this great wood card catalog box that turned out to be the perfect solution for my dies!

A2 size envelopes fit in this box perfectly and I have plenty of them on hand since I make cards! I also have a lot of plain white card stock...lots of bits and pieces in my scraps bin that I used to make a sample die for the front of each envelope.

I have the dies organized by similar type, flowers all together. At some point I can add dividers if I find it necessary. much easier it is than looking for a die lost in this mess! :) By-the-way, if I hadn't found that lovely card catalog box, I could have used a small plastic Sterilite container from Target.

Well, I hope your weekend was way more fun than mine was! I'm happy to be headache free now and have a lot of things to catch up on. I want to get into the kitchen and try some new recipes. I need to bake a sweet for the boys. Have a great week. I'll be popping onto the blog to share some more crafty goodness with you soon! :) Kathy


  1. How NEAT and TIDY!! Love this idea! Thanks for sharing, Kathy!

  2. Great idea! Mine look very much like the 2nd picture ;P Hope your headache is gone. :)

  3. Oooh, bummer! SO sorry to hear about your headache, Kathy. :( Sounds like it ate up most of your weekend.
    Awesome storage solution you have come up with. Looks wonderful. I can see you've added some new goodies to your collection. I need to come play!

  4. So glad you are headache free now. LOVE this idea! TFS!

  5. I haven't quite figured out how to organize my dies yet! I started doing them by month, but now they are all messed up and thrown together! Love this idea!

  6. Oh WOW!!! This is a great idea. I loooove your wood box, is gorgeous. Could you please let me know what company is the die of the leaves that you are showing in the first picture? Thank you so much for the inspiration. My dies are a big mess right now. :(
    LIM :)
