Monday, December 27, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Hi! Did you have a wonderful Christmas? Are you still having a great holiday? It's been a lovely Christmas at our home! We had great fun watching Christopher open his presents and play, play, play! And for the first time since the 1940's, we got snow on Christmas dat! It didn't arrive until after dark, at about 8:00 p.m, but the next morning this was the scene from our front door.

Isn't it beautiful? It was so fun to be snowed in with the family! We drank hot chocolate, worked on Christopher's new puzzle, played in the snow and did a whole lot of nothing much! How often does that happen?!

I got a couple of toys on Christmas that I got to play with too. I set up our new Department 56 skate park, the latest addition to our Christmas village. Also, my sweet husband, who knows how directionally challenged I am, got me one of those navigational deals for the car. I know, these have been out for a long time! Even my old man got one years ago! For the longest time we didn't think we needed one since neither my husband nor I commute and our destinations are usually the same, but lately I've been traveling to little neighboring towns in search of vintage treasures. Now I'll have an easier time finding my way about! The feature I love most...the one touch button that will tell me how to get home from anywhere I happen to be! Ah, there's no place like home! :)

Well, my posts will be a little sporadic this week as Christopher has the week off from school and I want to spend time with him. And it's a great week to piddle around the house doing a bit of this and that. Whatever the week holds for you, I hope its the best! :) Kathy


  1. That is a gorgeous picture! You are so lucky to see that out of your front door! My 6 year old kept saying," Where is the snow? It's's supposed to snow!" And we didn't get any at all here in Kansas!

    Have a great week with your little ones! Nap time will be my crafty time for the next week! Have a good one!

  2. My wonderful husband got me one of those directional things too. Mine even tells me if there is traffic, and which way to go around it. Merry Christmas, and thank you for the cards!

  3. Gorgeous photo, Kathy! I'm a little jealous -- we are in Colorado, with no snow at all! Glad you had a good Christmas!

  4. Oh wow that photo is so pretty! I love winter pictures, so magical!

  5. We were so lucky to get some snow for Christmas, weren't we? Nik and Hailey built a little snowman in the yard today that made me smile. I love that there's still so much around in the yard to look at, cause it's just so pretty.
