Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kraft Paper Gift Wrap & Free Download

It's just a matter of days before Christmas is here! Are you ready? Have you been enjoying all the activities of the holiday? I went to my BFF's house to bake goodies yesterday and I've been wrapping more presents. Oh how I enjoy December! Today my husband and I spent the day together. We went to lunch and picked up a couple stocking stuffers. We were in no rush and didn't have any urgent matters to attend to so it was a wonderfully relaxing day!

It was nice to get so many comments and complements on my gift tags from my last post! Thank you! I thought I'd share a few more of my packages today. I've always wanted to do some Kraft wrapped gifts and took the time to do that with the presents for a crafty friend of mine. I knew that more than anyone else, she would really like and appreciate it!

I got the design idea for this little library card to/from tag from Betsy Veldman. Love her work!

I made the vintage looking candy cane by cutting a candy cane pipe cleaner in half, bending the top over and brushing it with a little Distress Ink from Tim Holtz. I also wrote the to/from names in pencil so my friend could reuse it if she wanted.

For this package I didn't use tape or anything to secure the sheet music so my friend could re-use it for some cards or another craft project.

The white felt snowflake is from Target. They come in packages of three for $1! I Love them! I hope there are some left on clearance! Again, I used pencil to write the to/from names so that this adorable tag can be reused along with the snowflake, red jute and jingle bells.

The book pages I used to fill the top of the gift bag are from an outdated history book that I'm using for another project.

Remember a few years back when large alphabets were all the rage? I still have some of those and used one as an initial on this gift. To make the black color a little more festive, I covered it with glitter. The little tag has a Papertrey Ink stamped sentiment, some lace that I stitched to the bottom and a vintage mother-of-pearl button.

I just love vintage images! Isn't this one lovely? I've attached it below as a little Christmas gift from me to you. Enjoy!

Well, I'll do my best to pop back in before Christmas day arrives. The weather man told us we just might get a white Christmas! We're keeping our fingers and toes crossed! It would be the first one on record! We've already had three snows this month as it's been unseasonably cold. It's possible!?!? Do a little snow dance for us! ;) Kathy


  1. Such pretty packaging! Thanks for the lovely vintage image!

  2. Wow, wow, wow! Love this post today!

  3. Thanks for the download--my vintage collection is growing! And that sweet little reindeer paper on your tag...where is that from? CUTE!

  4. Your gifts are so very lovely. I love the kraft paper and the simple yet elegant tags you have made. Thank you so much for sharing the Santa image with us.
    Merry Christmas.

  5. OMG so pretty. I want one of those packages. LOL.

  6. Kathy, your packaging is beautiful...tons of inspiration here!!

  7. Had to comment again. I just love those packages :)

  8. beautiful.......love your gorgeous packages--love all the Kraft!

  9. If I got any of those gifts, I'm 99% sure I wouldn't open them, but sit them on the shelf and stare at them lovingly all year long. Beautiful!!!

  10. fabulous tags and gift wrapping ideas, Kathy! so beautiful! love them all!

  11. Brown paper packages tied up with string...this is one of my favorite things!! LOVE that vintage image! TFS!

  12. what a pretty packeging! I am sure she is going to love it! I know I would..:)

  13. Beautiful packaging!!! Love the large letter!!!

  14. What pretty packages! I love these, Kathy!

  15. I absolutely love these!!! So very pretty!

  16. Beautiful packages Kathy. I love them wrapped in Kraft paper. Your tags are darling. I will use that Santa image for sure. :) Thanks!
    Merrry Christmas

  17. Wow! Love your presentation on your packages. Gorgeous tags and embellishments! We can definitely share our snow as we have had too much already. :) Will send you some for Christmas.

  18. A white Christmas would be wonderful... we may get one too and are feeling the same way about it:) I love you packaging... kraft rocks! Merry Christmas Kathy... I hope its the best:)

  19. Fabulous wrapping Kathy. Love the Kraft paper with those tags... looks great. :o)

  20. You absolutely out-did yourself with these gorgeous wrappings, my friend! The outsides are as much a gift as the insides! :)

  21. Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out.

    Also visit my homepage ... holiday gift ideas
