Monday, September 27, 2010

Liberty Antiques Festival

How was your weekend? If you came by for a visit on Friday, I told you about my plans to attend the Liberty Antiques Festival. Well, it was awesome with over 400 vendors from 25 states! The festival had it all and then some! Anything you could image and more was there, including lots of yummy food! There was so many booths that my friend Audrey and I didn't get through it all! We gave it the old college try, but the record high temperature of 98 degrees slowed us down a bit!

As you can see, the tents were set up in a big field so in addition to the intense heat, it was very dusty too! But look at all the great antiques!

I owe Audrey big time for remembering to bring her camera, carrying it around, and shooting these great photos since I forgot mine!

Both Audrey and I agreed that Dad's Follies was our favorite booth! Have you ever seen anything like this? These are all chocolate molds! It's an extensive collection that included one of a kind pieces like the zeppelin in the lower left hand corner of the photo above. Be sure to visit there website if you are interested in seeing more or purchasing one of these amazing pieces.

This 4 foot tall Santa Claus chocolate mold is one of only three in the world! One is in a museum in Germany, another in a private collection and this one! I considered bringing the jolly old soul home, but I didn't have $40,000 on me!

In addition to chocolate molds, quite a selection of ice cream molds were available.

Meet Butch one of the owners who has a fantastic sense of humor and is quite passionate about the business. He spent a good deal of time teaching Audrey and I about chocolate molds. Before we left, we knew enough about these treasures to really appreciate what we looking at. We learned how these pieces were first manufactured and as time went on and new technology was developed how they evolved.

During our lesson, I couldn't help but wonder how Butch, a big Harley riding tough guy, finds himself in the chocolate mold business? "By default. My mother loved and collected chocolate molds." he told us. Then when I was examining a little turkey chocolate mold, his sister let us in on a little secret about Butch and the turkey mold I was admiring. "Butch actually likes to use that piece to make butter molds for Thanksgiving! He shows up for dinner on his bike with his turkey shaped butters!" she tells us! Can you imagine!?!?  LOL

Well, If I could have afforded it, or hadn't recently spent hundreds on a pair of ceramic elephants, I would have purchased this guy! I had to settle for a photo instead!

At lunch, we found a booth that was grilling cheeseburgers and serving french fries. Desert was some home made peach ice cream made in this John Deere machine! Oh it was delicious! And refreshing in the heat!

We found some lovely linens! I didn't get a picture, but I got a quilt from this booth. One that was hand stitched in a pinwheel design, lovely blues and prints on a white background. There were so many beautiful things and a lot of pretty aprons which I thought I'd try on. Looks like an apron from the I Love Lucy show, doesn't it?!?!

Well, that's my ultra long post for the day. I hope you enjoyed it. I sure enjoyed sharing with you!

Don't forget that tomorrow is Tuesday and the design team was challenged to use any Digital Doodles stamp of their choice. Wait until you see what they did! They are one awesome group that I am fortunate to work with! :) Kathy


  1. Such a great event, wasn't it? Next time we'll have to start even earlier and prepare for the weather a bit better. Maybe that way we can make it through every single booth. Might have to spring for a rolly cart next time, too, so we can do some real shopping. ;)
    too bad we couldn't bring Jolly Old St. Nicholas home, huh?

  2. Looks like you girls had so much fun. I was pretty hot here too. It is finally cooling down a bit though. Only like low 60's :)

  3. I would go CRAZY there. I should of drove there LOL. I loved the suitcase full of postcards.

  4. 400 vendors!!! What a blast!!! I can't get over those chocolate molds and I love your story about Butch! What a fun, fun day!!! ♥♥ Kay

  5. Holy smokes I wish I could have been much fun things I see and it sounds like you had a blast!!! Good for you!!! Hugs ~S~

  6. What a fun trip! We don't have cool flea market like that by our place. I'd spend the whole day there. Love reading about the chocolate mold & Butch! That's so awesome.

  7. LOVE LOVE your "little" antique shopping trip! I love Butch's ( BTW, what a fitting name for a big guy!) booth. I think I will be in heaven looking through all the chocolate molds! I also noticed we have the SAME C wallet (mine is black-haha!). Thanks for this super fun post!!

  8. I am so glad that they have nothing like that where I live otherwise, I would constantly be broke. Such wonderful stuff and what fun to see all the interesting items.

  9. Look at all those wonderful goodies to look at! Glad you had a good time despite the temps.
