Thursday, September 23, 2010

Falling for You

Today is the first day of fall, but it doesn't feel like it with a predicted high of 95 degrees here in North Carolina! Nevertheless, I've been preparing for fall activities and holidays with some fun projects like this card I created with a new Two Peas in a Bucket digital kit called 'Little Autumn Girl' by Holly Brooke Jones.

The kit contains six accents; four leaves, a piece of candy corn and this adorable little autumn girl. I used the leaf images to create my background patterned paper. I love using Kraft paper for fall projects as it really creates a rustic feel. The die cuts are from Nestabilities.

I used some wrinkled seam binding for my bow and topped it with an old Fancy Pants felt flower and a cream button. I created the sentiment and used my old Sizzix die cutter to make the little tag for it. What do you think of the gems? Nice touch or a little over the top? Sometimes it's hard to decide if a project needs a little extra something or if it's just right the way it is.

If you haven't had a chance this week to check out a second helping of the Digital Doodles 'Thankful' kit, scroll down to the next post. I will warn you, however, that the images might send you to the kitchen for something sweet! ;) Oh and while you are drooling over the yummy projects, don't forget to leave a comment to win the 'Card Sentiments' kit.

Have a great fall day! Thanks for dropping by! :) Kathy


  1. I can't belive it's Fall already it's going to be 90 here in CT tomorrow crazy weather!!!You car is just adorable love it!!!

  2. I saw this kit. I thought she is so cute.

  3. It certainly feels like fall over here! Windy and cold LOL!
    Love your card - there's something so yummy and rustic about stamping and colouring on Kraft!

  4. Wow, what a fabulous fall card, Kathy! I'm really loving the crinkled ribbon too. It goes so perfect with the card!

  5. Wonderful use of muted tones and colors! Love this little beauty!

  6. This is darling Kathy! I love the fall colours! It almost feels like winter here.We don't really get a Fall - BOO!

  7. Very cute, Kathy! I love the ribbon, flower, button accent!

  8. awww... this is so cute! love the leaf background!

  9. What a cute card! Love the lil' pearls drops around the oval!

  10. Sweet! Love the image paired with the fall paper.

  11. Such a cute card Kathy. That image is adorable... great colors! :o)

  12. That little girl is adorable!! Love the leaves and that fabulous ribbon!!! This puts me in the mood for Fall. So glad it's finally here!!! ♥♥ Kay

  13. Oh, man, this is so sweet, Kathy! I love all those leaves in the background, and totally agree with you about kraft being the perfect fall color. Adorable girl image, too, and I really like the gems.
