Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Digital Doodles Card Sentiments

After creating Digital Doodles stamps for nearly six months, I thought it was time to create a few 'Card Sentiments' to match! As you will see, there's a perfect sentiment for each and every Digital Doodle! The design team has been working extra hard this week to come up with sets of cards and note cards to show you the variety of sentiments available. Click on image if you would like to see a bigger image or visit each design team members blog to see more pictures and get further information.

Kathy Martin
Digital Doodles Designer

Aren't these 'Card Sentiments' projects fun!?!? Each week I love to seeing the projects everyone creates! This week I've also included the ad page that appears on Two Peas in a Bucket so you can see all 14 stamps. I love that you can resize these sentiments to fit your need making them perfect for a scrapbook pages as well. And you can change the color of them like Lori Mar did with her card set. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that this set sells for just $4! That's just .29 cents per sentiment that can be used over and over and over and over and....okay you get the idea! ;)

Thanks again for taking time to drop in and see the new Digital Doodles set! Next week's will be just as spook-tacular...if you get my drift? ;) Kathy


  1. I like how you are making stamp sets now Kathy. These sentiments match your stamps perfectly. Everyone's cards are so beautiful!

  2. Wow, a great set and wonderful samples!

  3. These are great! Love seeing your new sentiments!

  4. These sentiments are PERFECT for those images! Scrummy samples too!

  5. Those are great, Kathy! And you have an amazing DTeam. :)

  6. Absoultely fabulous!! Love all the samples from the amazing design team! WOW! It's wonderful to add these sentiment to the collection!

  7. What a lovely bunch of examples!! Gorgeous work!!! Love your digital stamp set, looks so versatile and neat!!

  8. I love that you've created sentiment stamps to go along with your wonderful Digital Doodles. Love the mixed fonts and love the cute and useful phrases. I think the team did an amazing job with these.

  9. These sentiments are so Perfect Kathy!! LOVE them!!! Fabulous work all!

  10. All are so amazing Kathy! Fabulous cards by you and your DT! :)

  11. fab sentiments!! love the DT cards!

  12. Great idea Kathy...love your DT's cards too.

  13. The sentiments match the doodles so well, which makes it even easier to make great cards. Love what everyone has done with them!

  14. WOWZers. that is a whole lot of beautiful cards!

  15. Fabulous cards Kathy! Love the different samples. Those circle greetings are awesome! :o)
